Smarter Commuting for the Bay Area

We’re BayClip. Your go-to for scoring the best deals on Clipper Cards. How we do it? We buy cards from people who are moving away from the Bay or are not suing their commute perks, grabbing them for at least 40% off. Then, we pass those savings straight to you nu reselling them for a small profit, giving you the most value


Features & Benefits



Recycled Clipper Cards

  • Pricing: We offer clipper cards at prices based on their remaining balance, ensuring you get a great deal
  • Payment Options: Pay with cash or online via Venmo or Cash App, easily accessible through icons at the bottom of our website.
  • Digital Wallet Support: We help you add Clipper cards to Apple Wallet for iOS and compatible Android digital wallets.

Selling Your Clipper Card

  • Easy Sell: Leaving the Bay Area or don’t use your clipper card Benefits anymore? We buy it from you at 40% off or more off its remaining value, giving you quick cash as you move on


Meet the BayClipHub organizer: Committed to Providing Affordable and Sustainable Commuting Solutions

Juan Martinez


I’ve always had a passion for buying and reselling items at a better price than paying full price. With BayClip, I turned that passion towards something daily commuters need here in the Bay Area(Clipper cards). Especially if you’re not up for batting the traffic or even paying tows. By offering them at a discount, I’m not just helping you save money on commutes, but also making life in the Bay Area a bit easier. makingĀ  daily travel even more affordable and giving discounts to those who daily commute not just focusing on Senior or youth

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